Thursday, November 19, 2009

3 projects due=a tired Porter

Good morning everybody :)

So much going on the past few weeks, but at last, something to show for it! :D

Let's doooo Concept first, with my "One Minute Animatic," about a boy and his father.

After that is a 'Dramatique/Drama' digital painting for Drawing For Animators. The possible story behind this is an ice cowboy and polar bear are stuck on an ice chunk and have to play patty-cake to see who gets to dive in and grab some fish for food. Yeah. What.

Lastttt and certainly not least, is the first of two PUSH/PULL assignments, animated in glorious 3d where our character has to... well yeah. I've grown to love this Whale so gosh darn much. :)

I really need to make this whole blog look more appealing.. but that'll come when i have the time. :P

So in weeks to come, we essentially do the same thing again (another push/pull, exaggerated this time, another painting, and a lip-sync animatic). Wish me luck!